The Take Part approach uses flexible, community-based learning to develop the capacity of individuals and communities to become more involved in civil and civic life.
Take Part learning is a distinctive and proven approach that enables people to make a difference in their community by focusing on:
Communities and Local Government has funded a Take Part Programme (2008-2011) to support the use of the Take Part approach. The Take Part Programme comprises the Take Part Pathfinders and the Take Part National Support Programme (see below).
The 18 Take Part Pathfinders are built on the established Take Part approach to learning. Each local pathfinder is a partnership between local authorities, third sector bodies and educational institutions, coordinated by one lead organisation. [Open a PDF list of Take Part Pathfinders] (Opens in a new window).
A Pathfinder has responsibility for providing learning using the Take Part approach in their local area through an action plan that includes the following strands:
The Take Part directory enables you to filter using the above strands, under "Take Part strand of work."
The Take Part Pathfinders are developing approaches that help to meet the government's objectives for improving public services through improvements in the following indicators
There is also a national element to the Take Part Programme which aims to promote and develop the Take Part approach across the country. The activities within the National Support Programme are there to support a whole range of different organisations in using Take Part (not just the existing Take Part Pathfinders). The National Support Programme is made up of:
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